Ganado and Burnside HIA
In association with ADOT and the State Health Department, PLAN*et conducted an HIA of SR 191/24 between Ganado and Burnside, Arizona. The HIA examines the health benefits from the recommendations of the PARA funded Ganado Burnside Corridor Plan, and serves to enhance the plan by leveraging transportation improvement to benefit community health and improve motorized and non-motorized mobility. As a result, the PARA modified its roadway design to provide a permanent path along SR191/264 that could be paved and buffered from traffic during road widening. Other recommendations included changing a PARA recommended trail over a wash to directly connect to an existing bus route (resulting in cost savigns and improved mobility for seniors), providing stable walking surfaces along roadside paths to prevent senior falling (a significant health issue), creation of a local circulator to connect seniors to health care and the market, providing a pedestrian link between the Ganado Trading Post and the local market to increase walking and enhance economic development, and focusing on safety for school children.