Town of Hayden General Plan 2024
Hayden, the location of the ASARCO smelter, is a historic mining community located along Arizona's Copper Corridor. The General Plan identifies several opportunities to help revitalize this unique community including working with ASARCO to identify open space along the Gila River, designating the stretch of the Gila River along the Copper Corridor as a Wild and Scenic River, creating gateways to advertise3 the historic downtown, creating interpretive signage at mining slurrys over SR73 to attract tourists, application for several grants to enhance streetscapes and improve pedestrian access to the town golf course and the Gila River. The Hayden General Plan process included substantial capacity building with town staff and elected officials. A regional forum was conducted as part of the outreach process to identify opportunities for the corridor and Hayden in particular. As a result of the Forum, the Mayors along the copper corridor started meeting monthly to discuss opportunities and problem solve.